Friday, 6 September 2013

Week 36 OOTD

A quick OOTD from yesterday and today! :)

Scarf- Dynamite
Top- Winners
Skirt- Max Maternity (from Dubai)
Bag- Jessica Simpson (from Winners)

Scarf- Winners
Denim Jacket- Mango
Burgundy Top- Vero Moda (from Winners)
Back Jeans- H&M Maternity

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Stuff I can't wait to wear post-partum!

Hi girls!

I've been very bad in posting weekly updates of my pregnancy. Even though I've been taking weekly pics, they are not blog-worthy ones! :(

A quick update: I'm 36 weeks pregnant now, so 4 more weeks left! YAY!! Sooo excited! I can't wait to meet my little man! My tummy is definitely bigger than before but not really huge compared to the pregnant women I see. This gives me a bit of hope that it might shrink back faster to the pre-pregnancy size soon after I deliver.

Speaking about pre-pregnancy, I can't wait to be back in shape to wear my normal jeans and these tops below that I purchased in the last 6 months or so. A part of me is a bit excited for fall so I can wear blazers and layers and my tan boots!

I'll leave you with the pics below to enjoy! P.S- sorry, some of the tops are wrinkled! They got squished in my over-flowing drawers :(

Navy Blue peplum top (front)- Winners

Navy Blue peplum top (back)

Black/white peplum top- Winners

Grey Peplum top (Yes I LOVE peplum tops! :)- Winners

Hot pink top- The Bay

Grey Sweater (got this for only $3!!)- Winners

Black/tan striped sweater- Sears

Mint green top- Winners

Black/grey top- Mendocino

Sleevless white/golden top (LOVE this!)- Mendocino

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